+1 vote
by (2,865 points)
I'm used to make hunts of 1 hour, and I notice that in some hunts my experience per hour shown on my level bar is different to the experience shown on my hunt analyser when I finish the hunt (ex: my experience on my level bar is always around 1,9kk-2kk but when I finish the hunt, the experience i made is 1,8kk in 1 hour)

So how accurate this tool is?
by (2,271 points)
I have to ask. You have definitely opened the hunt analyzer before you you started killing any monsters?
by (2,865 points)
Yes, I notice this sometimes when I just logged and went to hunt (was logged off outside the cave)
It would be good if you would provide some screen shots?
Also remember that Hunt analyser during the hunt shows  APPROXIMATE income of experience- considering that you continue the hunt at the same pace and rate of killing.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (54 points)
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Best answer

These are estimated averages, so they don't give exact results on both tools. The correct thing is before you start hunting really reset everything and start. However, it will never be an exact value.
