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by (200 points)
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is there any helmet out there that a pally can use with this imbuement? or whats best for it?

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (1,181 points)
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Isn't possible to imbue 4 magic lvl on royal paladin helmets. Anyway you still can buy some old Royal Helmet.gif with 4 magic level imbuements. They are a bit rare but some people still have them and sell (there isn't any in new servers too just in old ones). Hope to have helped

0 votes
by (7,037 points)
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Imbuable Helmets to Paladin with Powerful Epiphany:

NameSpriteImbuing Slot
Dark WhispersDark Whispers2
Elite Draken HelmetElite Draken Helmet1
Lion SpangenhelmLion Spangenhelm2
Royal Helmet
(Only If buy it with the Imbuiment)
Royal Helmet2

by (1,467 points)
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You cant imbue powerful epiphany (+4mlvl) on zaoan helmet. Any helmet that can be used by a knight is not possible to get this imbuement they only go to Intricate Epiphany +2
There are several royal helmets with this imbuement because in the past it was possible and people save it before cipsoft changed it
by (7,037 points)
Thanls, I gonna fix it.