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by (7,037 points)
What are the Pros and Cons on all four Vocations in PvE (Level up, Boss and Hunts) and PvP (War and PK) situations?.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (58 points)
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Best answer

Sorcerer - is the one that makes the most damage in almost all the hunts, but theres not many places where you go solo.

Druid - always needed, not many know how to be a good druid (healing yourself, the knight, team and making damage), but same as sorcerer, you almost all the time need a team to go hunt. Is the one that spends more money on team hunts..

Knight - i think its the one that makes most profit but for good exp you need at least a druid..

Paladin - Easy to use, doesn't spend a lot and can go solo hunt in many places to make profit, but depending on the world, is one of the vocations that many people play..
