0 votes
by (2,865 points)
I only did Urmahlullu twice. One time I got trapped and other time I died, so my experiences aren't the best with this boss. But I want to start doing him.

How can I run to him safely, should I bring some bombs or walls?
by (6,736 points)
First of all - which vocation?
by (2,865 points)
Knight and Sorcerer 350

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (287 points)
I'm writing as a 175RP (many ppl says that RP has got the hardest way...). So;

- at first - time ring

- constant healing (ms/es - pots on utamo ofc, ek+rp pots + healing - rp ultimate spirit + gran san)

- use map click - It will be little bit safer, faster and You can focus more on healing.

BTW-many ppl wont go with low lvls for Urma due to Your low lvl so get the team/friends earlier. And it always look good if You summon fire devils / minotaur archers - If You got rp as shooter summon for him and ek mino archers/elf scout.
by (170 points)
Do the fire devils actually do any damage? He is immune to fire
+1 vote
by (1,181 points)
selected by
Best answer

lets go by steps :

1) check if there is someone hunting then go back at stairs , if someone is hunting wait they kill the lure then go.

2) if there no one hunting the easyer way is Mark the entrace of the cave on your mini map then click on it let the mage go first then the ek, mage use mana shield, ek use set with protection to earth and fire a good thing is use a might ring while runing could be of help, the mage run with utamo and might ring, if the mage get trapped the ek still can exeta and run, in case the ek get trapped summon the thunder giant to get the mobs from ek and let him free, you can even sumon thunder giant at stairs if you want so monsters will target him instead of you, another good tip is you can use 

Supreme Cube.gif to leave without risk of running back since your thundergiant should be in coldown, if you dont have the cube yet in wiki you can find the quest of  "supreme  cube", it is a big help to leave from hard places, hope it helped =)
