+5 votes
by (6,736 points)
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Since I need to finish all of Renegade Quaras  in my bestiary I would like to know how exactly The Fire-Feathered Serpent World Change works?

Sometimes we can meet them all among sunken lands west from Rathleton, but quite rarely. What should I do, to trigger their respawn?

2 Answers

+3 votes
by (17,404 points)
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Best answer

How does The Fire-Feathered Serpent World Change work?

To sum it up, killing 3,000 Seacrest Serpents spawns Renegade Quaras, however when 1,000 of all Renegades are killed they disappear and Seacrest Serpents spawn again. I'd like to give you additional details about this world change that is helpful. To know what stage this world change is on it's important you ask Guide NPCs "Hi -> Change -> Sea Serpent" As kill statistics on Tibia's website aren't up-to-date.

If under 1,000 Seacrest Serpents have been killed on your server the Guide NPCs will say "The Fire-Feathered Serpent is fast asleep."

Seacrest Serpent.gif

When 1,000 Seacrest Serpents have been killed the message "Sleeping beneath the Oramond sea, the Fire-Feathered Serpent twitches and dreams of calling its children back" will appear in the server log or game window for all players. Also, the Guide NPC will say "The Fire-Feathered Serpent dreams and the earth is bleeding lava." When you ask them about this world change.

After an additional 2,000 Seacrest Serpents (or a total of 3,000 Seacrest Serpents) have been killed another message will appear in the server log or game window for all players, "The Fire-Feathered Serpent has awoken! Renegade Quara attack the sunken lands of Oramond!" Also, the Guide NPC will say "The Fire-Feathered Serpent is awake. Renegade Quara control the sunken regions of Oramond. "

This means Renegade Quara's will replace the Seacrest Serpents until your world has killed 1,000 of them then they will disappear and Seacrest Serpents will reappear with the message, "The Fire-Feathered Serpent goes back to sleep, beseeched by the blood of the Renegade Quara." I don't think any missions cancel the Renegades out, or at least I can confirm that completing the "Snake Charmer" achievement or fully completing the orb missions of Twenty Miles Beneath the Sea Quest doesn't make the renegades disappear in my experience. Also, according to Tibia Fandom when this world change is active you cannot complete Sub-Mission 1: Souls Lost At Sea.

Renegade Quara Constrictor.gifRenegade Quara Hydromancer.gifRenegade Quara Predator.gifRenegade Quara Mantassin.gifRenegade Quara Pincher.gif

Why is this world change important?

You get to complete "The Orb of Dark, Life, and Light" of the Twenty Miles Beneath the Sea Quest. Which can give you items you cannot get anywhere else-

I recommend you read about the orbs in this TibiaQA question Is it possible to obtain more than one orbs from Twenty Miles Beneath the Sea Quest? also TibiaWiki's Guide on the Twenty Miles Beneath the Sea Quest for more details on this incase you want to keep some orbs I highly urge you to read about them first.

Also, you can receive, 2 additional achievements  Mind the Step! and "Snake Charmer" from completing "The Orb of Dark, Life, and Light" missions of the Twenty Miles Beneath the Sea Quest.

The Renegade Quara's drop great loot but also are on the bestiary and once you complete the Renegade Quara Constrictor, Hydromancer, Mantassin, Pincher, and Predator entries give you a total of 125 charm points. Each of these creatures requires 1,000 kills and provides 25 charm points each. You cannot see these creatures anywhere else so they are rare to have on the bestiary. It took me maybe 10+ of these world changes to complete my Bestiary for them. As you know, once a total of all Renegades are killed the world change isn't active. Also, all players are informed when this world change is active so it's hard to complete the bestiary without any interruptions. It's important to note these Renegades give easy profit so it certainly is fun to kill them, at least for me anyway.

Here's an image I created of the raid messages as proof of me testing this answer for hours and hours solo style-

by (137 points)
Amazing! I've been charming seacrests the past few days and I think you're right that it's 1000 + 2000 rather than the other way around.  I've updated the wiki accordingly. Thank you.
by (71 points)
Some additional information. You should be able to kill 1000 Renegade Quaras in an hour if you do your best, so if you think you will be there alone you can consider drinking a "bestiary betterment" potion and possibly get 2000 kills.

It's also worth noting that if you or someone else is going for the 2 achievements when the Renegade Quaras have spawned and you or the someone else finishes that quest all quaras will despawn. So if you are alone and want to min max you could technically kill 999 quaras and then do this quest.

As a sidenote. Shawtay is indeed correct and tibia.fandom is wrong. I had to kill 2000 Seacrests for the world change to activate and I started when the NPC in Thais said "Sleeping beneath the Oramond sea, the Fire-Feathered Serpent twitches and dreams of calling its children back".
asked Jan 1, 2022 by (17,404 points)
edited Jan 3, 2022 by
How to make Renegade Quaras disappear?
+1 vote
by (5,689 points)

As soon as 3000 Seacrest Serpents are killed, the World Change will be activated, and the regular Quaras, the Sea Serpents and the Seacrest Serpents will be replaced by Renegade Quaras. The following message will be broadcast to all players:

The Fire-Feathered Serpent has awoken! Renegade Quara attack the sunken lands of Oramond!

the Fire-Feathered Serpent will go back to sleep when 1000 Renegade Quaras are killed or when someone end quest for achievement "Snake Charmer".  

I'm sure it works that way, you don't have to make this two requirements. if someone will pass mission fast, they will disappear anyway.
