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by (17,406 points)
Is there a way to know who world transferred away or to your server? I was trying to find a list and I was having trouble.

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (1,181 points)
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The site https://tibiafrags.com/world-transfers/all can show who transferred out or in the server. If you don't choose a server it show all the most recent transfers in all servers of tibia. First put your server in "from " then on "to" you put all so you know who transferred away from your server, the invert to know who moved to your server.

asked Dec 24, 2020 by (17,406 points)
edited Jun 21, 2022 by
How can I look up a character's world transfer history?
+1 vote
by (1,467 points)
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Best answer

Since this answer is not longer valid due to tibia frags has been taken offline long time ago, here i am with a better answer, you can find information that comes from a promoted fansite https://guildstats.eu/world-transfer

You can search by server from which server you want to see, who has left which server and who has come to which server, tibia ring also has this information whoever is not a promoted fansite so who knows how much time it will stay up. keep in mind some characters may take some time to appear on the transfer it is not instantly on any page besides tibia.com

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