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by (17,406 points)
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To better explain myself I will give you an example:

What if my main world is Pacera and I participate in any event, let's say Lightbearer, and my world fails but then I transfer to another world that wins am I able to obtain the rewards from that server? I guess what I'm wondering is if I didn't participate in that world would I still be able to access the rewards even after my main world failed and we're already at the reward stage.

1 Answer

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by (2,271 points)
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Best answer
Any World Change rewards, as in your example (10% more experience in shared party mode) would be received as if you had been there the whole time, because that is a server wide change. The individual rewards depend on the individual participating and would need to be taken on the world participated in. So if you dont take them in Pacera you dont get them.

Concerning the Blazebringer mount in theory you should receive it on the new world if you have the documentation (your character has that box ticked against them)


World events are seasonal events that start for all game worlds at the same time. World tasks are pre-defined missions that can be fulfilled by players of a game world and are not bound to a specific date.



Game World Transfer is an extra service allowing you to change the game world of your Tibia character. There are certain limitations on which characters can change worlds and which worlds they can transfer to.

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