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by (2,271 points)

So I read today about the Legend of the Solar Axe  Dark Trinity Mace  and Emerald Sword

The Legend apparently goes

"He who has a pure mind, He who has the courage, H who dares to step into the temple of the Dark One...

Only him that wields the three can defeat the true God of Time...

These three are those that were made for no mere mortal... The Emerald Sword made for Crunor, the Solar Axe made for Suon and the Dark Trinity Mace made for Zathroth's triple punishing.

Only he will bring balance to the Gods' creations once more and and Tibiasula will become once again in him."

Was just wondering if anyone has more info on where, when and how this Legend was started and what its all about. Since they are all now able to be obtained in game (especially the Emerald sword, the other two with a lot of effort, luck and money) has anything about this legend ever been discovered?

Any help much appreciated

by (1,452 points)
i wont give an answer because i dont think what im going to say is one you are looking for so i will leave it as a comment, there are few players that are still looking to solve misteries is a really small amount and even when they havent solve it yet or find something of interest they prefer not to share that information, so im sorry to tell you this but i doubt you gonna find any clue easily, if something have been discover since its probably that it isnt common knowledge and people wont share it, on my own knowledge there hasnt been any discovery that i can remember about this mistery the only thing is that the solar axe and dark trinity mace were given to gm as a good bye gift
What is the source of this legend?

1 Answer

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I do not have much information but I hope this helps you

solar axe as well as the epiphany  was a gift for game masters, given to them as a gratification for their work during their period. those items were given once game masters were not required anymore.