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by (6,736 points)

Most of us know very well Issavi sewers, where we can hunt a Fafnar Cultists.


There are also less popular places, which seems to be good.

One is under the Temple of Sun and Sea, where we can find a lot of Black Sphinx Acolyte . There is also possibility to kill some Sphinxes and Crypt Wardens, since it is the same level (we only need to have ability to use the doors).

One more place we can find few levels under the Gryphon's Rock:

Which place is the best if we want to make as good exp/h as possible?

1 Answer

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by (1,181 points)
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In normal respawn it is the issavi sewers that can accessed trough the city ( one entrance is north of depot).

In 10 x respawn under the water temple if a good place to hunt (you also get more black sphinx acolyte for bestiary)

In 2x respawn the corridor north of water temple is the best options