+2 votes
by (17,278 points)
Hello, I am wondering if free accounts in Tibia can use the market? Please mention if there are any limitations or rules, thank you.

3 Answers

+3 votes
by (2,855 points)
Yes, free accounts can use markets, but they are limited to only buy/sell to offerts that already exists, so you can buy and sell your items, but you cannot create a new offert to buy/sell
+2 votes
by (1,181 points)
Only premium accounts can put offers in market, anyway you can use the others buy/sell offers as free acc and also the offers you made before your premium account expire will still in market until the end of duration
+1 vote
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Best answer

Free Accounts are able to observe & use the market by accepting offers, however, they cannot place any offers of sell/buy. The only exception is with the Tibia coins- free accounts will be able to create sell/buy offer only for that. Kindly see quote from the Manual. 

"There are some important rules that you should keep in mind when using the Market:

  • Only Premium players are able to place buy and sell offers. Characters on free accounts can only react on already existing offers. There is one notable exception to this rule - characters on free accounts can place buy offers and sell offers for Tibia Coins."( Manual, Tibia.com)