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by (479 points)
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I sanctified all the 12 graves of the fallen knights on the Grave Danger Quest and reported back with Jack Springer on Thais, he told me to go to the Isle of Kings and face King Zelos, however, I can't access the doors to go the lever room, this ones:

I've read multiple spoilers on fansites and they don't mention any requirement to access those doors besides sanctifying the 12 graves. What I am missing? The other quest that comes to my mind that takes places on the Isle of Kings is the Queen of the Banshees Quest, do I need to complete that one as well to go through those doors?

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (5,051 points)
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Best answer
You need to talk to NPC Costello on the right room, and ask him about his brother 'Fugio'.

This way you will gain access to the catacombs below
by (479 points)
Thank you very much! I tried talking with him before but couldn't get any answer, now after I asked him about his brother i got access to the catacombs