+1 vote
What are the bosses which I can kill more than once during same day (without any 20 hrs/+ cool down)?

2 Answers

+4 votes
by (5,730 points)
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There are some bosses that you don't have to way 20h:

Falcon Bastion. (Profitable items:  Falcon Coif,  Falcon Bow,  Falcon Greaves, Falcon Rod,  Falcon Plate,  Falcon Wand)

  •  Grand Commander Soeren:  Falcon Coif,  Falcon Bow,
  •   Preceptor Lazare:  Falcon Greaves, Falcon Rod.
  •  Grand Canon Dominus:   Falcon Bow,  Falcon Plate,  Falcon Wand.

Cobra Bastion: (Profitable Items:  Cobra Crossbow,  Cobra Hood,  Cobra Sword,  Cobra Rod,  Cobra Boots, Cobra Axe, Cobra Wand, Cobra Club).

  • Gaffir:  Cobra Rod, Cobra Wand.
  •  Guard Captain Quaid:   Cobra Crossbow,  Cobra Boots.
Ancient Lion Knight: (Profitable item: Lion Spangenhelm, Lion Plate, Lion Shield, Lion Longsword, Lion Hammer, Lion Axe, Lion Longbow, Lion Spellbook, Lion Wand, Lion Rod, Lion Amulet)

Inquisition: (Profitable item:  Golden Boots).

  • Zugurosh Golden Boots.

Pharaoh's: (Profitable items:  Ancient Tiara,  Djinn Blade,  Holy Falcon,  Holy Scarab,  Pharaoh Sword,  Phoenix Shield,  Ravager's Axe,  Twin Axe.

  • Vashresamun:  Ancient Tiara
  • Thalas:  Djinn Blade,
  • Mahrdis:  Phoenix Shield,  Holy Falcon,
  • Ashmunrah: Holy Scarab
  • Dipthrah: Pharaoh Sword
  • Morguthis: Ravager's Axe
  • Horestis: Twin Axe.

The Mini Bosses from Killmaresh: (Profitable Items: Enchanted Theurgic Amulet,  Blister Ring,  Winged Boots)

  •  Xogixath:  Blister Ring,  Winged Boots
  •  Bragrumol: Enchanted Theurgic Amulet,  Blister Ring,  Winged Boots

Note: Mozradek is also one of the mini bosses but I don't know if it drop any of the items I posted before, of couse you can also farm it and try your luck wink.

The Master Voice: (Profitable items:  Mage's Cap, and probability to drop during the raids of servants you also can get  Slime Mould and  Golden Can of Oil).

  •   Mad Mage:  Mage's Cap.

Hope this help you and good luck to you.

May I suggest to add to this list Mini bosses from Issavi?
Mad Mage will be great add too - you just need to clean the floor each time.
by (5,730 points)
Done! ;) Thanks for remind me <3
Oh gosh, Few more came to my mind...:
Hive Bosses (Chopper, Fleshslicer, Maw, Mindmasher, Rotspit, Shadowstalker);
Oramond Bosses From Flora - Glooth Fairy, Bulwark, Lisa
by (5,730 points)
But for those you need farm points and are not always there.
+1 vote
by (2,865 points)
I can think about Kroazur in Feyrist, it's a good way to farm silver tokens and cluster of solaces.

I don't know if it counts, but the mini-bosses from Cobra Bastion, you can stay there hunting them as long as you want to.