+2 votes
by (6,736 points)
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Jungle Camp Mini World Change is a popular in-game event that takes place almost daily. You can then meet two Nemesis-type bosses - Arthom the Hunter (Hunter) and Oodok the Witchmaster as a Dworc boss. Their appearance is also one of the relatively frequent ones, but I wonder if these bosses can appear more often than once on a given day?

EDIT: To clarify, by writing "day" here I mean the period from SS, to SS the next day.

by (5,689 points)
in my opinion no, but im not sure.

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (1,558 points)
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Best answer

They can't. I've found both bosses multiple times now and it's certain that you can only find it once per server save.

Note that sometimes you can see a kill count of 2 in the kill statistics tab on Tibia.com, however that happens since the kill statistics getting updated everyday 7 hours before server save. This issue can also resolve in worlds displaying Arthom and Oodok being killed at the same day.

by (6,736 points)
Thanks a lot for your help! :)