+1 vote
by (6,736 points)

Some time ago Pumin seal from Ferumbras Ascension Quest, where you can find creatures like: hand_of_cursed_fate, grimeleech, hellflayer andspectre was one of the most profitable places to hunt, especially for high level mages - solo or in duo. After balance hunting grounds a lot of places were nerfed or buffed. How is it now? Is it still worth to hunt there? What is the average profit/h comparing to the former statistics?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (545 points)
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I'm playing 800+ ED and i recently tested this seal duo with ms and ek. 
I presented the changes in the two separate tables for duo mages and duo with ek. 

BEFORE NERFS6.5kk 2kk+
AFTER NERFS5kk1kk+/-

BEFORE NERFS5-5.5kk1,5kk
AFTER NERFS4-4.5kk800-900k
