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by (29 points)
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I will really appreciate it if someone can share some advice about good management of hotkeys for a knight.

They should be kinda handy without any mouse with 511432131 buttoms. Thank you!

2 Answers

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by (2,865 points)
Look in my opinion hotkeys are something really personal, that you need to set your HK the way it works better to you. But, I can give some advices the way I play.

I got all my attack hotkeys set near to each other, this way I use one hand only to attack.
Also, I set all my cure hotkeys near to each other to use the other hand only to cure myself (and to exeta res when it's needed)
And the others hk I set other things like equip/unequip items, summon, and other magics that I use but without the frequency of my hunting HK.

I can't tell if this is the best way to set your hotkeys, but it's the I ever hunted, so it's what work for me. My best advice is to follow something that you can handle easily and not missclick something.
by (29 points)
yea understood. just ask for like personal settings which can be used by me at all :) maybe I'll love it.
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by (28 points)
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Best answer

I move using WSAD, and pick up loot by Shift+RMB, and that's my configuration, no hotkeys on mouse at all.

by (29 points)
we're kinda same hotkeys :P look https://prnt.sc/shg114