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by (17,406 points)
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I had a Draken hunting task the other day to do and I'm not sure how the spawn of Drakens at walls is divided. For example: when someone says they're at towers 7-9 what does this mean? Does this mean they take 3 floors or what? If you could provide a map I'd greatly appreciate it. & I know maybe worlds can be different from one another so it's okay to hear what your experience is.

1 Answer

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by (1,181 points)
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Best answer
Pretty much depends on people's level and server. Some people divide it by floors (first 2 floors, last 2 floors)

Other people divide it by towers. You can check walls got corridors that end where stairs is each stair is a tower. When people split it by towers you get all the floors of a tower in that case the guy says 7-8-9 he get all floors of the tower 7 8 9.