+4 votes
by (5,730 points)
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Today I helped a friend to defeat the  Last Planegazer, and when I killed it I got   the cube:

"20:08 The following items dropped by Last Planegazer are available in your reward chest: the cube"

So I went to Edron to try to get the missing piece of cube for the second time. And I got it!... So I wonder If it is possible to get a second Complete Opticording Sphere, to create a second   The Supreme Cube? Is this possible?

by (2,271 points)
From my research I dont think it is unless someone gives you another but I havent finished this quest so I'll leave it up to those who have. Interested in the answer. Good question +1

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (5,730 points)
Best answer


After somedays I decided to test it by myself and the answer is: Yes! It is possible, the way I did it was just went to Ab'dendriel and to get the  Opticording Sphere and I got it, after that I went to Kazordoon to try get the  Broken Opticording Sphere  and then I used the  Broken Opticording Sphere  on the  Opticording Sphere to finally got the  Completed Opticording Sphere, as you can see at the picture below:

Once I got the  Completed Opticording Sphere, I went to Gray island with my  the cube and the missing piece of cube that already got before,  so... the result you can saw it on the picture below laugh

by (6,736 points)
Great research!
by (5,730 points)
Thanks you :D