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It looks like your question has received some downvotes. Don't worry, we will help you improve it!

I wanna know some places hard to enter, whether you need a key, pick, quest, or places you get down and can't get back again (there is a hole but no place to use rope after it - like the desert quest)

I am interested in such places because they bring mystery to tibia and I like them because I like to PK as well.

Some examples are:

  • Secret room in folda
  • Desert quest library
  • Pacman room

So if you could help me with some more it would be great! Thanks

by (2,271 points)
I honestly feel this question didn't get more answers because its quite vague
by (435 points)
Where is the Pacman room???
by (5,318 points)
by (435 points)
Wow,never seen this before!

1 Answer

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by (21 points)

Can start on the way to Demona in Carlin, passing through Maze of Lost Souls (here)

Explorer hellgate (here)
