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by (157 points)

I saw a house that had a bookcase on top of another (image) and I would like to know how it is possible to do this.
Also, is it possible for one to be on top of the other (as in the image) without these jade zaoan pawn?

1 Answer

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by (17,404 points)
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If you cannot walk on an item and want to put an item on top of the item there's a couple of ways to do this. Please note in order for some items to be raised they need to have something under it. Going off of your picture there wasn't a way I could replicate having 2 bookcases on top of each other without placing an item in between them to raise one. For my demonstration, I'm going to use a Brown Pit Demon, but I recommend you check out this TibiaQA question for inspiration: What are some of the unique items that lift/raise items? Please note you don't have to use bookcases and some items will look perfect with just 1 item on top of it :)

1) If you own a house with 2 levels then this trick will work for you. Unwrap 1 bookcase throw one down the stairs or ladder or rope it up the stairs or ladder. Do the same thing now to the item that will raise the 2nd bookcase, then unwrap the other bookcase and also repeat the step throw it down the stairs or ladder or rope it up the stairs or ladder. Please note maybe this won't look right in some places.

2) Now every house has a door so this trick will hopefully work for you. Unwrap one bookcase behind the door, now this part is important...quickly place the item you want to lift the 2nd bookcase inside of the doorway but at the same time, you do that close the door so the item goes over to the other side. Unwrap the 2nd bookcase and repeat.

3) This third way won't work for 2 items that you can't put items on top of from my understanding, but it does work for placing 1 item on top of an item you can't normally place items on. Stand in the square where you want the item. Unwrap the item you want to keep (bookcase) while staying in the same square unwrap another destructible item that's a container I decided to use a venorean wardrobe. Now open the venorean wardrobe and put the item you want on top of the bookcase inside of it. Use a melee weapon on the venorean wardrobe so it breaks browse the field to remove the rubbish.

Please note you can use other item combinations you don't have to use my examples! Just wanted to recreate your picture for the most part. These are all the ways I know on how to put an item on top of another item that you can't normally put items on.

Also seen in these related TIBIAQA questions:

How to put an item on top of a furniture from the Store?

How can I put dead human on top of furniture from the Store?

by (170 points)
I have the same house, would like to see how you have it decorated
by (17,404 points)
whenever i have some spare time ill decorate it right now all i have in it is a bunch of tibia coin items x.x lol ive been focusing on my venore house way too much.
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