+1 vote
by (243 points)
For an example, if i put on market fireproof horn and sell it for 90k, when this transaction will be able to notice in history of sell and buy offers of this item on market? After few hours or after next server save?

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (17,406 points)

If you click on Market and then search for an item and then select details: "If you click on this button, details of the selected item are displayed in the upper part, among others the weight, a possible description or if available the vocation and the level by which the item can be used.

In the lower part, you find interesting statistics of the item of the last 30 days. Here you can learn about the average price for which the item has been offered or sold. You can also see how often the item has been offered and successfully sold. Furthermore, the highest and lowest price which somebody has paid for the item and for which the item had been offered is shown. Note that statistics are updated only once a day during server save."

Source, Tibia's Manual: https://www.tibia.com/gameguides/?subtopic=manual&section=controls_trading#market

by (746 points)
Nice answer, thank you!
it says statistics are updated every server save? so what updates every 30 days then? the prices,  transactions? anyone able to clarify this?
by (17,406 points)
What updates every 30 days is the item entirely. For example, you sell a golden helmet on Tuesday the following server save we will see you sold it. 30 days later this transaction entirely will be removed as if no one sold a golden helmet.
0 votes
by (28 points)
whenever a sale or purchase of any item occurs using the DP market service, the prices of the respective shares are not updated immediately so that the price update occurs, you must wait for the service of your world to happen so that it can be updated.