+1 vote
by (17,406 points)
If someone gifts me Tibia coins and I don't know the person should I transfer the Tibia coins back? Can this be something where their trying to set me up with Tibia Coins that they possibly obtained fraudulently to get me in trouble? I'm not sure if someone gifts you bad Tibia coins would this mean your account can be in trouble, their account, or both accounts? Just curious for future reference to protect my account and if anyone's been in this situation.
by (243 points)
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IMO, CipSoft will not punish You for being gifted Tibia coins if u didn't take part in any bad accident with Tibia coins. I think they have more options to check which persons has made some black buisnesses with these Tibia coins then "History" of these coins, i mean they probably check IP's of internet provider and some details of our PC's. But still i think its safer to send back these coins. Anyway, they have been bought by real cash, we should send them back. They might be sent by a mistake/missclick/missunderstood.
Back to the punishing for it, if it would work like this, i mean "these coins were stolen from our shop/payment for these coins was taken back, we must punish them" would make those thiefs sending these coins to everyone just to make them banned/deleted for fun.
IMO its impossible to ban/delete peoples for being gifted ^^
It is just my OPINION, thats why it is comment ^^

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (2,208 points)
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Best answer

There is indeed a certain risk for receiving unwanted or unasked Tibia Coins if they come from a fraudulent operation. Each Tibia Coin transfer has an ID, so this means if they come from a fraudulent operation, CipSoft will track down every account these coins were transferred to and most likely freeze the account. Since it is a way scammers use for coins "laundering" and it's hard for Cip to determine whether if it was you or somebody else.

So, giving the fact that you actually don't know if these coins were fraudulent or not, and what was the intention of the person who sent them or if it was only a mistake, your best choice is to send CipSoft an email about it and explain to them when and how you received the coins, from which character and the amount of coins received. Also please include you didn't want these coins and express them your concern about getting them in your account and not knowing where they come from. Cipsoft will explain to you further options that you have about giving them back or not, which will be totally up to you and its not illegal if you keep them, but in case these coins were indeed fraudulent you would release yourself for any unwanted responsibility or punishment if you show them this transaction voluntarily.

I think this is another way of answering your question, also think these might be the answer you were looking for. All this information was provided by Etien Reseller, he is an official CipSoft Reseller, has more than 8 years of experience in trading and doing business with CipSoft, you can find his references in tibia's official website in the reseller section for certain countries.

by (2,564 points)
This sounds completely wrong to me. It pretty much means that someone can gift me Tibia Coins, and if I don't discover fast enough that this happened, I might be at risk of getting punished. I thought the whole idea of non-transferable Tibia coins was to prevent such scenarios.
by (2,208 points)
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Remember you can also purchase transferrable tibia coins with a credit card from the website, not only that, there are unnoficial resellers that would sell fraudulent tibia coins, it sounds unfair but it is how it works. There's a rule "emptiness" when it comes to inforcing rules for this, so you will get banned or even deleted for "massive hacking campaign" if the amount of coins you received is massive or if it was more than one fraudulent transaction. When the amount of tcs is not much (250 or so) you'd most likely only get an acc freezing. I also work with these things, as I'm an official reseller from Etien's branch myself, and these are indeed facts.
by (17,406 points)
Maybe this is a question that should be answered by Cipsoft I think what your saying is something that could be true I just am shocked. Imagine being retired for let's say 2 years and someone could transfer you tibia coins without you realizing and bam account freeze and then you try to come back from Tibia and apparently you got frozen and you don't know why...crazy how that could exist. I'll be happy with a more official response to this question as it's quite serious to risk being frozen or deleted.