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by (5,801 points)
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As we know, both Intense Healing Rune and Ultimate Healing Rune are both characteristic runes of the Druid vocation, being also the only vocation able to cast the spell to make the aforementioned runes. It is also worth mentioning that both spells and runes are available to Free Accounts! The Ultimate Healing Rune specially was used to be the main source for healing on Tibia, specially by the Knight vocation for a long period of Tibian history. This era ended in 2007. On 2007, we had a reformulation of runes' formulas and the introduction of health and mana potions on Tibia (replacing the vials). Fun fact: People used to always have a druid as a secondary character in order to make him produce runes to sustain the main character!

But talking about nowadays, how can we use these runes on a effective, logical and reasonable way today? Is there any good use for these runes that people may use regularly to gain any advantage? What vocations still can use it in a decent way?

3 Answers

+2 votes
by (5,070 points)
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Uhs are very useful for MS's , I always bring like 200-300 with me for team hunts and I saved many lives using it since sometimes the druid cant heal the EK for any reason and then I use UHs for healing EK. Also for healing the RP or even the ED if he/she got kick or net problem.

So if you are MS is very very useful to bring some Uhs with you for team hunts. I'm 560 MS and I heal like 1200-1800
by (5,801 points)
So you use UH on yourself very rarely? It is more like a "team rune" when the EK gets too much damage during the hunt? Interesting!

Do you have UHs on a hotkey for yourself and other with crossbars in order to heal the blockers/shooters of your hunt?
by (5,801 points)
Hm, and what about the Intense Healing Rune? Any advantage using it?
by (5,070 points)
I never use UH on myself only , Just on EK or RP but be careful because it gives too much exhausted and you cant heal yourself fast,
by (5,070 points)
Ihs maybe on very low levels
+1 vote
by (7,046 points)
In my opinion everybody need bring some ultimate Healing Rune in their backpacks, this can help a lot when the Druid have some problems to give sio, vocations like Sorcerer can do a good healing in critical case and help the team with it.
by (5,801 points)
Interesting! And what about the Intense Healing Rune? Any current function for it?
by (7,046 points)
Same works as UH but UH have better stats/result.
+1 vote
by (74 points)
I don't think that IH's got some practical use in game, at least not at higher lvls. Only if you want to practise your magic level :)

UH's are very important at team hunts at high lvl grounds, as guy before said he can heal between 1200-1800 health. Many time it can save the life of blocker (paladin or knight) when he got trapped with many monsters, or when healer take longer time to come. There is many different situation when you can use it to save someone life.