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by (5,796 points)

Is there any way to accelerate the process of feeling hungry with your character? Sometimes I am half full or full and I wonder if there is any way to get hungry faster in Tibia. What would be the methods to cause hungriness in my character in purpose?

I know the method where you just don't eat and wait...

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (17,406 points)
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What makes your character hungry faster (just what I know): 

  • Dying will make your Tibia character completely hungry again.
  • Also, some food items fill you up faster than others so maybe limit some foods if you don't want to be satisfied all the time. For example, an Orange can fill you up for 156 seconds but a Dragon Ham will fill you up for 720 seconds. Pick your foods wisely.

This question is super beneficial for the Piece of Cake event and the Sausage Eating contest during Orcsoberfest.

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