+2 votes
by (5,709 points)

Regarding the privacy of my Tibia Account, is there any way or Tibia fansite (supported or not) that can somehow discover hidden characters in my account? I would like to know about this possibility since it seems that there might be ways to discover other players hidden characters in this game...

by (5,728 points)
Hi FPoPP idk how works but on TS there is a option that you can scan a name and see if there is a "hide" char, sometimes it shows names but others noone date. If I find smth important I will say.
by (5,709 points)
Thank you for the comment, Oriibsz!

Hey TibiaQA users, I appreciate all the answers but I wonder how I got a solid zero of votes on an interesting and important question... No offense or demanding votes but I really don't see why also 3 good answers didn't get any vote at all (I voted on all of the three and picked the one that I deemed good enough).
by (5,728 points)
TBH, what I have seen during the time that I have been here, very few people really appreciate the content, others simply have not asked any questions and are only dedicated to give downvotes.

4 Answers

+2 votes
by (6,719 points)
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Best answer

Currently, there is no tool useful to find hidden characters on any official fansite.

As Tynusiiaa wrote, you can do it using some unofficial tools, that you can find on TibiaRing for 3 euro for 1 search. It works on the basis of logging time analysis. If the character is barely used, then it still can be unfound, but if you do some logs from one character to another one, it will find your hidden chars without any problem.

I would also add the newest site which is much cheaper than TibiaRing - TibiaDetective. It costs 1,49 euro for 10 searches.


I'm afraid that the last method via TibiaDetective is unfortunately not available anymore.

by (5,728 points)
I didnt know about Tibia detective . Interesting!
by (5,709 points)
Is it just one bot on Discord that does that? Is this bot doing more illegal or suspicious Tibia functions?
Quite interesting that hidden characters are getting useless so...
+1 vote
by (5,625 points)

It's possible by teamspeak 'bot', I don't know if it's legal but usually it shows all characters well.

Although it doesn't always work that way.

example: I enter my char Tynusiiaa, but he doesn't show me the character 8lvl. However, if I enter the nickname of this 8lvl, there is a chance that he will show 'Tynusiiaa' as the owner.

Same with TibiaRing, this costs 3euro for one time. 

this is less realistic and shows only after logging in the possibilities that the owner can be.

this usually only shows characters that have been logged in for some period of hours. if you have 8lvl and you put them on offline training only probably they won't be shown.

+1 vote
by (5,728 points)
Hi FPoPP! As I wrote on my comment some hours ago, on TeamSpeak if you have the Ts3bot active you will have the option to 'scan' a character name and see if there is any char hidden, sometimes it shows names and other times doesn't show any data.

Keep in mind that if you want to scan someone to see all they chars this bot only will shows the chars on the server you are, for example:

Let's say I play Peloria but I wanna see if a friend have chars in Antica, it doesnt gonna work, it will only shows the characters from Peloria. This happens cuz the bot only take information for a single World Game. In my case from Peloria cuz is the World where I play.
0 votes
ago by (139 points)
Use Tibspy.com
