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by (5,796 points)
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For the sake of curiosity, this very out of the box question is really good for me and a lot of people. MMORPG games tend to consist on repetitive movements and key strokes. Clicking and typing the same key can be quite boring but also may damage or harm you. Is there any routine for players to avoid injuries related to such things? Sometimes I am tired from the day chores and work (which is also for me dealing with the computer and typing), and if I got some free time for an intensive hunting session, it suddenly will turn into a painful thing for my hand and wrist... Any hints or suggestions regarding it to make sessions of gameplay be ergonomic correct?

For more information about such problems, read more about repetitive strain injury.

by (17,406 points)
Your link doesn't work - But I have an office job and I definitely understand what your going through. I just type with 2 fingers (:
by (5,796 points)
Thanks for the heads up! Link is fixed now!

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (33 points)
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Ok so, im a doctor actually (not bragging) and i know for a fact this is a real problem and it can really get to be a true health issue. Carpal Tunnel syndrome is a thing, and so are other entities like it, it happens mostly to people who work for long hours on a desktop PC because of the way we tend to rest all our weight on both or one forearms. Its a good idea to try to be aware of this and correct it, having a correct posture while sitting infront of a PC, not leaning too much on the desk, if pain is already here i would suggest submerging both hands in a bucket filled with warm water (be careful, you dont need it to be VERY HOT, just enough for relief) for about 15 mins 3 times a day for at least a week, also consider using a soft hand splint or a bandage. If pain is being overhelming i would suggest some rest from the intense gaming and trying some NSAIDs (naproxene, paracetamol, etc) Hope this information is of use.
by (5,796 points)
I usually like to use cold or iced water (long story - but I got a problem with my Achilles Tendon) as a good way to pain relief. Is it ok?

Thanks a lot for the answer, Peiperplein! I am taking care of myself. Some days ago I had a huge Tibia session and it was a little bit too much I guess. Good to know about that!