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by (5,730 points)
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Since the last 2 weeks there are new servers that came up, me and my friends are playing there and we was wondering, ¿how many Bucket Full of Mortar we have to use on a  Trough of Mortar to open the Roshamuul Bridge?

Thanks in advance.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (5,689 points)
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Roshamuul bridge, it is a quest similar to deeplings or hive, that you have to make X amount of points/tasks (by delivering buckets or killing monsters) to get to the second stage which is roshamuul wall - it usually takes around 2000 buckets to repair the bridge and advance to the second stage. Its really simple to open bridge but it has to be done with help of others players, that killing monsters and crushing stones to get the buckets with gravel. The main reason I want to open roshamuul bridge is to allow more teams to exp on the server, since of right now there is very few places to exp in 4-man-team.

Server status -

As of right now 16-10-2017, around 1400 buckets have been used on bridge to repair it and advance to the second stage, so its 600 buckets left +- , it can be up from 1 to 600 max buckets left - since the monsters that die in the roshamuul as well counts for opening the bridge.

This is one information what I found about this. I can looking for more, then edit answer :)

source: http://tibiacommunity.com/world-quest-roshamuul-opening-bridge
