+2 votes
by (5,689 points)

In the game, some small houses are popular so their rents are larger than many larger houses. Which ones are they? (top 5)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (5,730 points)
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Hi Tynusiiaa.

IMO this are the houses that have high rents considering their sqm:

Harbour Place 1 (Shop)22 sqm800 000 gp
Harbour Place 2 (Shop)26 sqm600 000 gp
Radiant Plaza 293 sqm600 000 gp
Central Circle 173 sqm800 000 gp
Central Circle 280 sqm800 000 gp
Central Circle 394 sqm800 000 gp
Central Circle 494 sqm800 000 gp
Central Circle 594 sqm800 000 gp
Market Street 4 (Shop)109 sqm800 000 gp
Seagull Walk 1111 sqm800 000 gp
Radiant Plaza 3120 sqm800 000 gp
Radiant Plaza 1133 sqm800 000 gp
Market Street 5 (Shop)135 sqm800 000 gp
Lucky Lane 1 (Shop)148 sqm800 000 gp
by (5,689 points)
yes, 22sqm for 800k is horrible. However, for 148sqm this is not such a bad price. first top 5 is enough <3
by (5,730 points)
I really like that house but the price is crazy!


Houses are private buildings that can be rented by players. They can be found anywhere in Tibia. Houses come in three forms: there are normal houses that are designed as resting places for single characters or for small groups of friends, shops in which players can build up a prospering business, and guildhalls in which whole guilds can find shelter!

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