+1 vote
by (5,730 points)
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I used to go to anothers servers and see those houses decorations, its like a hobby for me, the little time i have to spend thb I used to looking houses. Today I used the escort help from the Oramond Boat to the Oramond Depot. And that make me wonder, what other cities have this possibility?

Thanks in advance!

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (5,689 points)
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Best answer

it is possible for all NPCs guide, you are then escort to the depot.

  •  (Thais) 
  • (Carlin) 
  •  (Darashia)
  • (Liberty Bay)
  • (Yalahar)
  • (Venore)
  • (Rathleton)
  • (Edron)
  • (Port Hope)
  • (Issavi)
  • (Ankrahmun)
  • (Ab'dendriel)

in my opinion it is only worthly for rathleton (oramond), because monsters on your way to depot, other routes are easy. Unfortunately, there is no NPC Guide for roshamuul, and that would also be interesting.

by (5,730 points)
but those have cost? cuz the escort from oramond its completely free.
by (1,851 points)
Escort mean going to Guide Npc on level 8 and telling him to escort you to depot.
by (5,730 points)
Ye! I means the escorts from Guide NPC those are completely free. Does my question clear or I must reformule it?
by (5,689 points)
ah sure, i'll edit my answer
+2 votes
by (1,851 points)
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I think it works in Every city which have Guide Npc, so you cant be escorted in Roshamuul, Fayrist, Krailos, Gray Island, Kazordoon.(Dunno what about Svargrond cuz there is different Npc which talk about city sadly I'm on phone and cant check)
by (5,689 points)
Sirik doesn't give us the option of escort.