+1 vote
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Hello! =)

What place should a 270ED+250EK go to max out profit? We are currently on walls but are there any better places?


4 Answers

+1 vote
by (7,008 points)
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In order:

  • Roshamuul Bones
  • Carnivoras Rock
  • Roshamuul West
  • Roshamuul Lower
  • Asura Palace
  • Feiryst (Little Roshamuul)

0 votes
by (40 points)
Spectres is decent. 300-500k per hour, plus good xp, and little risk for everyone involved.

Carnivoras rock is solid if its ever open on your server :p
0 votes
by (524 points)

Mota extention hellhounds and fury, (blazing bones are very high price)


Warzone 5 Tunnel Tyrants

Diremaws in task local
0 votes
by (11 points)

Spectres is decent. 300-500k per hour, plus good xp, and little risk for everyone involved. https://butraco.vn
