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by (5,689 points)
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Recently, my friend visited an old account. He bought a mana casks from store in the past. I found the "store" package in inbox in depot.  Unfortunately I don't have a picture. was it ever possible to sell items from store to market? 

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (5,730 points)
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Hi, Tynusiiaa.

You can put your store items on your depot but isn't possible to sell them in market.

There is the article where explain everything about the products from store:

Please note that items from the Store will always be either in your depot, your regular inbox, or your Store inbox. You cannot put them into your inventory, and they cannot be deleted or traded. And only items from the Store can be put into the Store inbox.

New Products and Store Update

by (5,689 points)
but I know I can put them in my deposit. I had them in my inbox on the deposit, as if it withdrew from the market.
by (4,161 points)
They probably were in the house, that's the only way they can be there.
by (5,689 points)
ohh right :o
by (5,730 points)
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Yes, as Daissy says when u lost a house all your items come to your inbox.