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by (5,796 points)
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If I got several chars to get the final rewards of this event (which are great and every Premium can do) what would be the minimun travel cost for each character to visit all cake extractors around Tibia?

Take into account that you will need to return to Cake Island every time that you step on a cake extractor.

1 Answer

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by (5,730 points)
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Best answer

The minimum travel cost I used was 1180 gp:

And the rutes I use was:

  1. Cake Extractor Edron: 60gp. I travelled to Cormaya for 20 gp, and Cormaya to Edron: for 20 gp more and back to cormaya for 20 gp more so in total was 60gp.
  2. Cake Extractor Carlin: 260gp. I travelled Cormaya to Edron: 20 gp; Edron to Carlin: 110gp, then back again to Edron for 110gp and to Cormaya for 20gp more. 
  3. Cake Extractor Thais: 360gp I travelled Cormaya to Edron: 20 gp; Edron to Thais: 160gp, then back again to Edron for 160gp and to Cormaya for 20gp more.
  4. Cake Extractor Liberty Bay: 380gp I travelled Cormaya to Edron: 20 gp; Edron to Liberty Bay: 170gp, then back again to Edron for 170gp and to Cormaya for 20gp more.
  5. Cake Extractor Darashia: 120gp  I travelled Cormaya to Edron: 20 gp; Edron to Darashia on carpet for: 40gp, then back again to Edron for  40gp and to Cormaya for 20gp more.

Keep in mind that my char was already in Edron so if you are in another city you have to add that cost.

There is also another way more cheap but more longer, you can instead travel on boat to edron use the rotworm way to connect to edron, if you do that you will spare 220gp.
