+1 vote
by (17,425 points)

On Tibia Fandom it states you can find a rum cask at these locations:Liberty Bay, Nargor and Sabrehaven These areas are not for a free account. I was hoping you knew of a location that I could obtain some rum at as a free account? It seems like rum is more of a premium drink here on Tibia lol.

Source: https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Rum_Cask

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (17,425 points)
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Best answer

Yes, you can find a rum cask during King's Day in the Knight's Guild (Thais). Normally there's a barrel there but it gets replaced with a cask of Rum. During King's Day a lot of decoration changes to celebrate! There also might be other locations for rum but for now, this is the only cask I coud find.

The picture on the left is a normal day in Thais. The picture on the right is during King's Day.

+1 vote
by (5,689 points)
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One way I know is buy Cocktail glass with rum on Meluna (where you can go the day after the wedding). I think we don't have barrels on a free account, but we have distilled machines! I bought sugar cane on market and vial so it's possible to make! :)

more about making rum here: How can I produce rum?

Thais and Carlin spots with machines.

by (17,425 points)
Here's a hint, you are missing something. :P
by (5,689 points)
I wonder what ... I checked many boxes: they are all beer, wine, water. I looking for vial of rum, mug of rum, glass of rum and this rum brown bottle. They're all in premium places. like a bottle falling from a monster, it's empty... i really don't know.