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by (4,451 points)
I had today a problem when I exchanged gold tokens on imbiuement items. I didn't have cap so Npc just threw my items on the floor and I had to fight with lvl 24 to get those items back.

Are there any other Npcs which will do the same? If yes, please tell me which Npcs exactly are doing this.

1 Answer

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by (5,730 points)
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All NPC's that doesnt show a list of exchange will throw your items to the floor, if you dont have capacity enough.

There are some NPC's for your interest:


by (4,451 points)
Really? Good to know, because I had no idea about that. Big thanks to you!
by (5,730 points)
Yes, We normally just spam to NPC "hi, trade  Yes Yes yes xD" but they always say smth like "Be sure you can carry / or you have enough capacity " but the mostly time noone read all.