+1 vote
by (5,730 points)
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I saw a Small Golden Taboret small golden taboret at Oramond but it cant be wrapped or picked up. I want to bring it to my house in Carlin. Is there a possibility to bring the small golden taboret to Carlin? Can you tell me all the locations for the small golden taboret?

3 Answers

+3 votes
by (1,184 points)

Yes, you can transport it to your house in Carlin.

All you need is a lot of patience, time and Explorer Society Quest done, so you can travel between cities with Orichalcum Pearl.

When you already got your taborets in Darashia*, you need to push them to Port Hope, here, Tibian Explorer Society.

You need to put taboret on the square where you get teleported and step on it. This way you just moved taboret to  Tibian Explorer Society in Northport!

Now you just need to push it all the way to Carlin and sit on it like a true Desert King!

*There is one that is spawning in Asuras Palace, so it's rather in the Jungle

by (5,730 points)
Hhahahaha "Now you just need to push it all the way to Carlin and sit on it like a true Desert King!" XDD
+2 votes
by (5,689 points)
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Best answer

I did a little research and prepared exactly all the places where we can find these taborets.

1. Asura's Place (Port Hope) - possible transport by Explorer Society teleport to: Nortporth. It gives us the opportunity to push into the cities: Carlin, Thais, Venore, Ab'dendriel, Kazordoon and nearby villages Fibula, Greenshore. But of course possible to push to Darashia and Ankrahmun

2. Issavi - when you need taborets on your issavi house.

3. Kha'zeel Scarab Lair (Ankrahmun) - faster way to push this to Ankrahmun and Darashia houses, or Port Hope if you need more taborets.

4. Oramond - only for houses in oramond

and I saw these screen, but I don't know this place. it's probably Drefia, so no worth to push this. 

by (5,730 points)
Hey! Thanks you, one question that chairs and mirror in Asuras Palace can be pushed too?
by (301 points)
Thaaaaaanks for work!
by (5,689 points)
Mirror is pushable, but chairs isn't :( @Defesa <3 no problem, i'm deco freak haha!
0 votes
by (301 points)

I've been looking for these tables across the continent that this Carlin, Venore, Thais and Ab'Dendriel is in but I never found it on this areas. It is impossible to transport by boat because we were unable to put it in the backpack. triste

by (5,730 points)
I really love those taborets :(
by (301 points)
I think it is unlikely since furniture from the East must be relic like the desert. If you find yourself in the mentioned areas, send a message ;p
by (5,730 points)
A friend show me that have this tabourets in Darashia!!!!!!
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