+1 vote
by (4,451 points)
Hello, I had a talk yesterday with my friends about it. Every vocation can use some kind of curse which mostly is useful, but... What with utori pox? Every vocation have spell exana pox which heals this curse.

Where utori pox is useful?  Some bosses, quests? Anyone have an idea?

3 Answers

+2 votes
by (1,184 points)
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Best answer

Envenom, utori pox, uses 30 mana and has 40 seconds cooldown. That makes it not useful during hunts, however it's very useful to make damage over time at bosses. Since it's earth damage, it would be very good at the bosses that have it as weakness or are neutral to it. It's basically the best spell for druids to make damage over time, right next to the Soulfire rune, if you want to push your damage at boss.

Keep in mind, that it would be only lasting for each stage of boss - example: Oberon has more than one stage and you would need to use utori pox on each of them.
In my opinion, it's very useful spell at bosses.

Examples where to use it:

Alptramun at Dream Courts

King Zelos, final boss in Grave Danger

Ferumbras Mortal Shell

by (4,451 points)
Any other bosses where utori pox is useful? It would be great to know.
by (1,184 points)
Yes, I asked now about bosses weak to earth damage (https://www.tibiaqa.com/13298/what-bosses-are-weak-to-earth-damage). I know that my druid friends are using it at King Zelos, Ferumbras Mortal Shell. DON'T use it on Scarlet tho!
by (4,451 points)
Thank you :) Good answer
+1 vote
by (4,311 points)

You can use it during the battle with the boss from Forgotten Knowledge quest Dragonking Zyrtarch in the first stage you will need to inflict some damage at the Soulcathers Soulcatcher around the room, there you can use Soulfire Runes or the spells that inflicts damage evere 4 seconds, for example Envenom (utori pox) and Holy Flash (utori san).

by (4,451 points)
That;s true, we always throw fire bombs there, but also could ise utoripox anf utori san. So smart!
by (1,184 points)
Yes, utori pox triggers the summon to spawn as soon as you use the spell on it.
by (4,451 points)
Do you know any other bosses where utori poxis useful?
–1 vote
by (301 points)
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This is very useful for hunting down enemies that are invisible, as it makes them visible every turn.

Especially those who are weak or neutral to earth damage for example the chakoyas.
by (1,184 points)
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But Envenom (utori pox) has 40 seconds cooldown. So it's not useful on hunt.
by (301 points)
I say to be useful in some situations like facing "Black Vixen". The time when he remains invisible is very unpleasant.
Nothing like a Utori Pox helps him to appear. ;p
by (1,184 points)
"Especially those who are weak or neutral to earth damage for example the chakoyas." - I meant this answer, considering you mean hunting chakoyas.