+2 votes
by (6,736 points)

When I hunt with an Elite Knight he usually uses Blood Rage, but for 500 gp NPC Zoltan may change these spells and give knights Protector spell with incantation "utamo tempo". Is this spell useless or what is the reason that knights barely use it?

2 Answers

+4 votes
by (479 points)
It is useless for a knight to use in a hunt since he can't use any spell or inflict any damage on any monster during the 13 seconds the spell has an effect on the character.

The only usefulness of this spell is if you're going to block a boss that hits a lot of physical damage (or could potentially headshot you depending on your level) and you are willing to let your teammates deal all the damage on the boss while you keep spamming the protector spell.
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Best answer

In the past Protector was not really in use due to players usually choosing Blood Rage over Protector. 

Since patch update 12.55 which allows knight have both- Blood Rage & Protector- it can be useful in critical moments - like when you are about to die or when your druid is in danger of dying and can't heal you as he will be healing himself. It also helps to block more difficult pools with mobs, stronger monsters and bosses.

Protector provides Knight better possibility of survival and fact that Blood Rage can cancel its effect immediately, gives also opportunity to apply appropriate amount of damage on bosses and still have chances on better loot reward.
