+2 votes
by (5,051 points)
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I wonder if there is some 'key word' that allows me to make a druid configuration of action bars and hotkeys, so anytime I switch character to a druid, it goes automatically to it.

I know I could just copy the hotkeys over and over changing the name of the configuration to all the character names.. but I think some key word could be more useful

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (464 points)
Hello, thats an easy question!

When u rename a hotkey page with the name of your character it will change automaticly when u enter to the game.

For having more than 1 page similar u can duplicate this hotckey page and rename it for both Characters.

Hotkeypage1 - rename - Gleemody
Duplicate - Rename - Glymodee

And u have the same page on both characters, the only problem is, if u change 1 page, will not aply on the second one a u will need to duplicate again.

I hope i helped u,
Greetings, Gleemody
0 votes
by (1,850 points)

Dunno If you mean that but by Ctrl + J you change your hotkeys, also you can add or copy hotkey list in options and add there name so when you gonna login on charcter with name u used in hotkey options you gonna have those hotkeys every time u login. >.<

by (1,850 points)
Imo setting names in hotkeys is more safty. >.<
by (5,051 points)
I know that, but I mean to say not using cotrl+j, something automatically
by (1,850 points)
I guess there is no option like that, sadly can’t check that at this moment but maybe set name of hot keys “Druid” “Elder Druid” would be working, but I bet it’s not working so you might make proposal on tibia.com about that :D
by (564 points)
Right now there is one option to automatically change the hotkeys to druid "Druid"... You need to return to Dawnport and walk through the druid gate (:. Sadly, that's the only way.