+1 vote
by (46 points)
Did some one test it? for example 12h on sword offline and 12h on mlvl offline and compare shielding progress?

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (5,051 points)

I haven't checked on a knight, cause I do not own one, but I tested on 2 makers both mages, with mele attack (distance) + shieldning in one and mlvl and shielding in the other; this are the conclusions:

  • Offline training: 4h 49min (During your absence you trained for 4 hours and 49 minutes.)
  • Magic level + shielding:
    • Your Magic Level skill changed from level 50 (with 23.24% progress towards level 51) to level 50 (with 28.78% progress towards level 51)
    • Your Shielding skill changed from level 28 (with 45.92% progress towards level 29) to level 28 (with 49.45% progress towards level 29)
  • Distance + shielding:
    • Your Distance Fighting skill changed from level 12 (with 83.51% progress towards level 13) to level 18 (with 7.59% progress towards level 19)
    • Your Shielding skill changed from level 28 (with 13.64% progress towards level 29) to level 28 (with 17.17% progress towards level 29)
  • Conclutions:
    • % of shielding increased when Mlvl + shielding: 3.53
    • % of shielding increased when distance + shielding: 3.53
    • The shielding speed is the same no matter which attack skill you decide to train
+1 vote
by (17,406 points)
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Best answer

I did test this on my Elite Knight offline training for 12 hours each time. The results are that Shielding will remain the same whether you offline train Magic or Melee.

Trained Sword + Shield
20:17 Your Sword Fighting skill changed from level 16 (with 53.93% progress towards level 17) to level 47 (with 7.76% progress towards level 48)
20:17 Your Shielding skill changed from level 108 (with 10.65% progress towards level 109) to level 108 (with 12.07% progress towards level 109)
=Difference of 1.42%

Trained Magic Level + Shield
05:59 Your Magic Level skill changed from level 6 (with 3.56% progress towards level 7) to level 6 (with 6.34% progress towards level 7)
05:59 Your Shielding skill changed from level 108 (with 13.21% progress towards level 109) to level 108 (with 14.63% progress towards level 109)
=Difference of 1.42%

0 votes
by (2,271 points)
If I understand your question correctly...

All offline training is sword/axe/club/distance/magic level + shielding. The difference with online vs. offline training (except for magic level) is offline training is 50% as effective as online training, and offline training is set as training against 1 opponent. This is fine except when it comes to shielding.  The best way to train shielding having 2 opponents hit you. So offline training (having only one opponent hit you) means your shield training is only 25% as effective as online training.


All offline training increases shield skill, but only at 25% of what you can train online