0 votes
by (1,142 points)
I would like to start hunting carnivoras,but I've been there only once during rapid respawn and there was a lot of people.
My question is:
- do you claim like one floor for yourself or more?
- don't claim any floors and just run the whole place freely?

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (1,028 points)
Hey, usually you are just claiming one floor and hunt there, however, on rapid the respawn is more than enough for more people. Also, it's really hard to talk about any etiquette on rapid, not only on Carnivoras but virtually anywhere.

One more thing to keep in mind is that all the Carnivora's floor greatly vary in difficulty, so be very cautious while running to the last floor.
+1 vote
by (6,736 points)
Theoretically, there should be a list at the entrance with three levels and a queue for each level, but it is one of the most popular places to make some cash (for low and medium-level players) so people forget about politeness and netiquette and start to behave like animals. :/ Sad but true!
0 votes
by (17,410 points)
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I believe it must depend on your server and the etiquette that they follow. I want to tell you how it works in Pacera (Optional PVP server) Typically we have a letter past the level door and you need to follow this letter or else your disrespecting. It doesn't matter if it's rapid respawn or not it's respect to message the player on the letter. Now, there's of course the 3 floors, usually people would claim -1 or -2 if it's a regular day, but on rapid respawn usually you can only handle one floor so people will mostly refrain from doing both and pick either -1 or -2. On the third floor usually it's a team on my server hunting there sadly so they will claim the whole floor on -3 but I also noticed sometimes people will take half of west or have of east on the last floor it all truly depends on the player and if they want you on their spawn. Usually you can still just see one higher level player there but with rapid respawn it's a little much. I believe we go off of a "First come, first serve" basis. This is what I noticed but I believe it also can depend on the type of player you come across. Some people don't even care and will hunt wherever and say "Lol, it's fast respawn" but the issue is with this is then if everyone's under that mentality then the spawn can get overcrowded easily and it's annoying. Carnivoras is a popular hunting ground and I hope you enjoy as I started to hunt there recently as well. Edit: Fixed typos, sorry.