+1 vote
by (17,406 points)
I cant tell you the last time I used the advertising channel. When are good moments to utilize this chat instead of the market?

3 Answers

+3 votes
by (5,051 points)
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Well I usually use market to put high price offers for the items I am trying to sell, in order not the devalue them, if I am not in a hurry to sell.

On the other hand, I usually use advertising to announce those same items without price, accepting offers with the minimum amount of cash I want to get for them.

For example, I got toga motis in market for selling at 17kk, I already sold in the last weeks 2 of them in that price for market. But in advertising I accept offers of 14kk by trading them.

Advertising Is also useful to change one item for other, who knows maybe somebody does not have the cash I am asking for, but they got Items in exchange that could be useful for me.
+1 vote
by (2,865 points)
In my opinion you should use to buy/sell items that many people look for, like Falcon items, some mount items, rares etc.
Also, you can use advertising to announce your offerts on market, like when you want to buy/sell some rare or valuable item.
+1 vote
by (1,028 points)
I mostly use the advertising channel to advertise items that cannot be sold on the market, for example, items that have imbues on them (equipment, weapons). That way I don't have to pay for the removal of the imbue and at the same time maybe someone might find them useful too.