+2 votes
by (5,051 points)

On the spikes there are different tasks depending of your level to complete in order to get your Cave explorer outfit Outfit Cave Explorer Female Addon 3Outfit Cave Explorer Male Addon 3.

What is the best strategy to fullfill this? Is it better to start at low levels or high? Which are the tasks recommended to do and which ones to avoid?

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (1,028 points)

I started doing my task on the part of The Spike for 80 level+. Obviously, it's possible to do the task on a low level but for me, it was quite challenging for a really low level and really long.

When you are kinda "high" level, doing all the tasks on the lowest floors is not that hard. I did all four tasks every day. However, if you don't want to run through the whole Spike looking for the necessary items/NPC, you can just stick to the killing mission, where you have to kill 7 drillworms . This, however, will take you a long time to complete the outfit.

I liked starting on the high floors, checking for the hotspots there and then making my way down. As the monsters there are not that densely spread. But if you don't want to go from one spot to another (because the hotspot you are looking for might be the last one you go to), you can skip this task entirely.

The other two tasks are pretty straightforward since the NPCs are located on maps, 

Summing up, if you want to do it in the shortest time possible, do all of them. If you want to be safe and don't care how much time in total it will take you, just go for the "Kill" mission.

by (17,406 points)
Yup! I did the cave explorer 80+ and I did the same tasks. It took DAYS, a little tip for the NPC tasks is if your a high enough level maybe spawn your level 200 summon and run to the npcs.
by (1,028 points)
Yes! Running through the place speeds up the process, but I would recommend a higher level, especially for pallies and eks since down there things can get nasty. Also, a little help from your friends is always welcome, since you need to stop by the NPC for a few seconds.
by (5,051 points)
but a lvl 80+ can't do the tasks of his lvl, can he? Is then better to wait to start doing them on 80+ instead of doing the low lvls ones?
by (1,028 points)
No, level 80 is way too low, going there on anything less than 130 will result in death for sure. I did my tasks on level 400+
+1 vote
by (155 points)
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It depends of your level of course, but if we Talk about the best strategy to complete It on an easy way, I would say to start  It at lvl 25 and finish It before lvl 50 to be able to do the 4daily tasks of upper spikes; otherwise as lillyfox said you will need to do the ones of 80+, which can't be done at lvl 80 because of its damgerousity, so you would need to wait to be high lvl to do them without dying.

As you need a total of 100 Fame points, and each task on the upper spikes give you 1, It will take you 25 days to complete the outfit (or 24 if at the day 24 you are first lvl 49 completing the upper spikes tasks, and then lvl 50 completing the middle spikes tasks).

You just need stealth rings to start doing the tasks, and supplies of course. 

The tasks that you can do in upper spikes are:

  • Ghost pacifier
  • Angry spirits
  • Malevolent presence
  • Killing demon skeleton

Strategy to follow:

  • Use the ghost detector of the malevolent presence on each floor of the upper spikes, It Will tell you which direction you must follow un one floor only. So I would begin doing the other tasks in this floor to save time.
  • Maps and Marks of the first floor -1:
  • Maps and  the marks of the second floor -2:
  • Maps and Marks of the third floor -3: