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by (17,406 points)

Can you list the spells that when you USE them and they DONT work they still make you lose mana? I'm just curious to know if this still exists.

1 Answer

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by (4,311 points)
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The spell "Find Person"

Since the 2007 summer update, using the spell on a character who is offline, does not exist on the game world or is ambiguous in using the ~ wildcard, will still consume 20 mana. In other words, casting this spell will always cost mana, working or not. Before March 2015(?) the Find Person spell would not exhaust players if the player was not online or did not exist on the game world; this would allow players to spend a lot of mana in a short time, primarily to contribute to magic level.

Source: TibiaFandom

by (17,406 points)
Hey, anyway to list the spell before the quote or highlight the spell in your comment? There's no other spells?