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by (4,336 points)

Only lucky players can find Midnight Panther Midnight Panther in Jungle. Half of them wanna tame panther and the rest wanna kill it for bestiary. Is it possible to tame midnight panther and kill it for bestiary in same time?

1 Answer

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by (6,736 points)
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Best answer

Of course it is possible!

To do it necessary is to use Music Box to be sure, that Midnight Panther will be tamed by the first try. Every time, when you tame the mount, creature will stay next to you for a very short time (less than a second) and this is the time, when you have to deal a hit which will kill the Panther. That's why you have to tame Midnight Panther on a low HP, to be sure, that it will be dead after one hit.

Be careful, do not hit Midnight Panther to the black HP, since this monster is running away while low health points.
