+2 votes
by (17,406 points)
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I'm curious as to what the strongest monster is that can't see invisible. Is it Stonerefiners? Stonerefiner

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (564 points)
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Best answer

Once upon a time, I've updated this wiki page to show such creatures in a neat table: https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Invisibility#Creatures_unable_to_see_Invisibility

I also have a page that directly answers your question in my draft pages on the wiki

So, up to the accuracy of wiki's creature pages, the strongest regular creature (as of Oct, 2024) is a Renegade Quara Constrictor.

Moreover, according to TibiaWiki, Versperoth (Warzone 3 pre-entry boss) also cannot sense invisible players. 

0 votes
by (4,384 points)

By checking tibiawiki's page on Creatures, then ordering it by EXP, after the Stonerefiner (500 exp) the next creature I found was:

 Corym Skirmisher (260 exp), so I believe you are right, it seems to be Stonerefiner!

PS: I didn't check ALL creatures, since many I know for a fact that it sees invisibility, I just clicked some that I wasn't sure and that I thought may be blind to invisibility. Therefore, I may have missed a stronger creature.

by (5,318 points)
Anubora you should added it as new answer to be honest- best if you could list 5 top which cannot detect invis.
by (17,406 points)
i agree ^ i deselected this as best due to being outdated
by (1,534 points)
i could try a research, sure thing, but I feel like it were better to wait till summer update teasers.