+2 votes
by (2,865 points)
I was looking in some sites about the item, and some says that foxtail drops from Black Vixen, some says it doesn't, so what's the truth?

3 Answers

+2 votes
by (4,384 points)
selected by
Best answer

Yes, it does!!

Here some screenshots from tibiabosses:

Yeah, they could be all fake, but come one, thats Highly unlikely!

by (17,425 points)
Your images are way better than mine but yeah they dont look fake but who knows right xD
by (340 points)
I don't kill those bosses anymore. But my friend does and he looted a foxtail while streaming. Here is a clip of it :)


So yea, I would say it's true that it drops it, the screenshots are legit, but it's rare.
by (2,865 points)
wow this is amazing!! I've spent more than 60 days in a row killing the were bosses and never even drop the backpack, this is great!!
+1 vote
by (17,425 points)

I've personally never looted the foxtail myself. I probably killed the black vixen 50 times plus. If you do a quick google search you cannot find anything useful other than a couple of images. I want to just share what I've seen as this picture was on reddit from a character by the name of Fenis Dael. Also this item is still listed as very rare on wiki so I mean it must be super rare. I hope someone can share their experience with the black vixen for now I havent looted a foxtail as I'm truly unlucky lol.



by (5,689 points)
haha, my friend is lucky always *-* <3
+1 vote
by (4,316 points)
Yes it drops from Black Vixen, my friend and I got one each one when we use to kill the were bosses.