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by (5,796 points)
How can I profit during the Tibia Anniversary event? What would be a good way to do it?

1 Answer

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by (5,796 points)
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The best way to profit during the event is focusing on getting as many Piñata Dragons hit in order to get the reward loot. This is my personal suggestion for the event, due to the possibility of amassing as many Red and Blue Surprise Bag, Ferumbras Puppet, Festive Backpacks and other valuable items. Getting them in a high quantity is the best way to guarantee valuable items! I usually like to use as many as characters possible and station them at Eclesius' House. I would them log out all of the characters and rotate all of them in order to damage the nearest possible Piñata Dragons (there is one right at the north and a second one in the south) with at least 1 damage. Once the Piñata is destroyed, every character will receive a reward, due to the fact that the Piñata works as a boss! Make sure to give a try with this method! even better if you call friends to help!
I am suggesting this mainly because it it one of the most valuable things to do efficiently in an feasible way. You can also try to do travel to Vigintia Island, talk with Vigintius and ask to give a try at the games (like the treasure hunt or can knockdown, which will reward you with items). Don't forget to ask Lora for a gift as well when being there! But hoarding Piñatas is the best way to go in my opinion.


330 Piñata Dragons generated to me more than 1kk of pure profit (1.2172 k to be more exactly). As I said, I had almost zero investment of supplies while amassing that amount of money. Video below shows my detailed loot:


I have made a one and a half minute long video describing the whole situation above, with a demonstration and a map if you need help in order to find the exactly spot to try it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRZQMQ3VG3g&feature=youtu.be

References were taken from TibiaWiki.com.br

by (17,406 points)
by (5,796 points)
Yeah, it is a Easter egg of this monster. Not only you can get loot while offline, my Ferumbras Puppet was obtained offline. So does not really matter if you hit one damage or 500 damage. I could profit more than 1kk with noob characters as people can see above. Very nice!