+1 vote
by (2,865 points)
I did the mini game today and got 2 Filthy Bunnyslippers and 1 Rusty Winged Helmet, but I don't know how much they cost. So what's the good items you can get ?

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (17,406 points)
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Treasure Hunting

I'm just going to note the notable items you can get during Treasure Hunting. The other items like coral brooch or white pearls (also the rubbish items) aren't worth noting.

  1. Gold Nugget Gold Nugget - 2.5k ea in Pacera currently optional PVP.  *usually higher than this*
  2. Starfish (Item) Starfish No price as of yet in Pacera but you can only get this from this event! <3
  3. Shell (Item) Shell No price as of yet in Pacera but you can only get this from this event! <3
  4. Filthy Bunnyslippers Filthy Bunnyslippers -2k ea in Pacera currently optional PVP.
  5. Rusty Winged Helmet Rusty Winged Helmet -4k ea in Pacera currently optional PVP.  
  6. Tatty Dragon Scale Legs Tatty Dragon Scale Legs -4k ea in Pacera currently optional PVP. 

+1 vote
by (1,351 points)

The most valuable item you can get on the Treasure Hunt minimage is  that is sold for 850gp and Coral Brooch  that is sold for 750gp each.

You can also find Rusty Winged Helmet  Tatty Dragon Scale Legs Filthy BunnySlippers  but they are not worth much since you can get them every year and they are quite common.
