urw! It works for Vampirism, Strike and Void:
- 2 Gold tokens can be exchange for: 25 vampire teeth, 25 rope belts or 20 protective charms
- 4 Gold tokens can be exchange for: 25 vampire teeth + 15 bloody pincers , 25 rope belts + 25 silencers claws or 20 protective charms + 25 sabreteeth
- 6 Gold tokens can be exchange for: 25 vampire teeth + 15 bloody pincers + 5 piece of dead brain , 25 rope belts + 25 silencers claws + 5 some grimeleech wings or 20 protective charms + 25 sabreteeth + 5 vexclaw talons
**Do maths right about what is better, normally it is worth to Powerful vampisism, intricate void and intricate strike.