+3 votes
by (2,865 points)
I use vampirism imbuement but the bloody pincers are very expensive in my world, so I want to farm. Where's the best place?

2 Answers

+4 votes
by (5,046 points)
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Best answer

In Most worlds it is more worthy to get Bloody Pincers by changing 4 Gold Tokens Gold Tokenfor 25 Vampire TeethVampire Teeth and 15 Bloody Pincers Bloody Pincers(because it is cheaper than buying them in market).This can be done with NPC Yana Yanain the adventurer's guild by saying : 'hi' 'creature products' 'void' 'intricate' 'yes' (if you have 4 Gold Token in your backpack.

If what you want is literally farm them by killing creatures, you need to kill Blood Crabs Blood Crab, Thanatarsus Thanatursus or Deepsea Blood Crabs Blood Crab. The one with highest % of dropping is the Deepsea Blood Crab (7.29%) but it doesn't have a large respawn (you can kill some in the North respawn of the sea serpents in Svargrond), so the best one to kill in order to drop some, are the Blood Crabs (6.14%) (the Thanatarsus only got 1.9%).

The best respawn of Blood Crabs are on the -4 of the Laguna Islands:


To access these islands you need to complete several mission:

  • Shattered Islands quest:
    • Access to Meriana
      • Eleonore's ring mission
      • The errand mission
      • Raimond Strider mission
      • Breaking the spell mission
by (2,865 points)
Thanks, I didn't know about the gold tokens
by (2,271 points)
Not my question but great answer. Did not know about Yana. Thank you.
by (5,046 points)
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urw! It works for Vampirism, Strike and Void:

- 2 Gold tokens can be exchange for: 25 vampire teeth, 25 rope belts or 20 protective charms
- 4 Gold tokens can be exchange for: 25 vampire teeth + 15 bloody pincers , 25 rope belts + 25 silencers claws or 20 protective charms + 25 sabreteeth
- 6 Gold tokens can be exchange for: 25 vampire teeth + 15 bloody pincers + 5 piece of dead brain , 25 rope belts + 25 silencers claws + 5 some grimeleech wings or 20 protective charms + 25 sabreteeth + 5 vexclaw talons

**Do maths right about what is better, normally it is worth to Powerful vampisism, intricate void and intricate strike.
+1 vote
by (17,404 points)

I personally love Laguna islands there's loads of crabs here