When there's profit it's rather easy to share, I'll address the scenario where there is a waste, as it's the reality of most lower level hunts.
| EK: -18k | ED: -48k | RP: -1k |
| Loot: 50k | Waste: 67k | Total: -17k
So, it sounds strange, what would actually need to happen for the hunt to be 'Fair' is:
We use 30k to get ED and EK at the same loss.
| EK: -18k | ED: -18k | RP: -1k |
| Remaining loot: 20k |
With the remaining 20k we use 10k to the EK and 10k to the ED leaving us with:
| EK: -8k | ED: -8k | RP: -1k |
| No remaining loot |
Still, this is not fair, because EXP wise, they've all received the same exp and were exposed to the same dangers.
The strangeness of the term 'Fair' comes now.
The RP pays 7k to the ED and to the EK
| EK: -1k | ED: -1k | RP: -1k (-15k) |
And this may seem wrong, but the reality of the issue is the investiment made by both, the ED and the EK before the hunt wasn't taken into account.
Is fair good, or bad ?
I can't tell, I can tell you this is one way of looking at the issue, but still, communication with the peers and colleagues is also a great way of finding the balance on the loot sharing.